look 4 ways before entering in…

(On October 12-14, our denomination's pastors will be gathering for our annual Fall Leaders Conference. This week's entry is written with this in mind.)

In anticipation of our Fall Leaders Conference in Carlsbad, I thought I would share a few words that may help us prepare for our time together around the Lord's Table.

A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup. (1Corinthians 11.28)*

As we come to Communion, we need to use our spiritual eyes to look in four directions.

First, we look back to the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Jesus commanded us to have Communion in remembrance of Him (Luke 22.19). Forgiveness is full and final through the cross of Christ. There is absolutely nothing we have done or suffered which cannot be carried by the suffering of Christ on the cross. As we look back, we can be assured of our complete forgiveness through Christ.

Next, we need to look in. On the night that he was betrayed, Jesus knew that “the hand of him who is going to betray Me is with mine on the table.” (Luke 22.21) We must examine our lives to see if they are right with God and others. It would be better not to participate in Communion than to do so consciously harboring unforgiveness towards another — relationships must be sorted out first.

Third, we need to look around. After taking the cup, Jesus gave thanks and said, "Take this and divide it among you. (Luke 22.17) Communion speaks dramatically and vividly of our oneness in Christ. We have more in common through the death of Jesus Christ than vocations, hobbies, nationality, or ethnicity could ever achieve. Blood is thicker than water— and when that blood is Christ’s, we have grounds for a unity that will ultimately overcome every threat and human division ( Ephesians 2.11-22).

Finally, we need to look forward. Jesus said, “I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God." (Luke 22.16) All our blessings here and now are only a foretaste of what is to come when we shall stand before Him face to face. Most of us do not live with the urgency or the freedom the second coming of Christ is intended to impart to us. While we do not know the date of His return, this is certain: He shall either come to meet us, or we shall go to meet Him! There is no other alternative!

As we head to Carlsbad, I need to ask Jesus to show me what I am not seeing— not simply my failures, but also my opportunities, not simply my sin, but also His mercy. I look forward to worshiping with you next Thursday...


all giants start small


“that they may be one…”