2025 — for a purpose…
“My purpose shall stand, and I will fulfill my intention…” (Isaiah 46.10)
I have shared the following before, but I share it here to encourage you as you carry your memories from 2024 and look towards 2025.
Years ago, when I was facing my future with an awareness of personal emptiness and the certainty of defeat, God spoke to me with these words:
God is purposeful…
No exercise of His might,
no declaration of His wisdom,
and no expression of His love
is trivial, capricious, or random.
God is purposeful…
He does not say one thing and do another.
He does not undermine His own advance
through indecision or retraction.
He does not take three steps forward
and two steps back.
God is purposeful…
He is undeterred, unhindered, and undistracted.
His love is resolute and
His tenderness is relentless.
Therefore He will never turn away
until He has accomplished everything
that He has purposed
within the counsel of His will.
God is purposeful…
In Jesus dwelled the fullness of God
and the fullness of God’s purpose.
In Jesus God purposed to become man
in order to take up our case.
In Jesus God closes the breach, gulf, and abyss
between God and us for which we are responsible.
God is purposeful…
At the very point where we
refuse and fail
offend and provoke
miss our destiny
tread underfoot our dignity,
and lose our salvation…
God purposed to intervene as a man
in the person and work of Jesus.
God is purposeful.
He makes no mistakes.
He has no regrets.
He faces our future with
unrestricted liberty
uncompromising devotion
unlimited resources
unbounded wisdom
and unconditional love.
God is purposeful.
Before your parents conceived you
He conceived you.
You are not an accident nor
are you the fruit of a moment’s passion.
You were deliberately fashioned
and richly endowed.
You were born of God’s purpose
and you were born for God’s purpose.
God is purposeful.
Will you rejoice, reflect and recommit yourself to God’s purposes for you and through you in 2025?