2025 - for a purpose continued…

NOTE: As I post this, at least seven fires are burning across Southern California. I believe the amount of fires and their proximity to homes and businesses is unprecedented. The worst of these burns out of control with zero containment. The churches representing our denomination (Foursquare) have opened their campuses as shelters for families. Our relief arm (Foursquare Disaster Relief) is resourcing our churches with supplies and resources. If you want to assist, please follow this link and select “fire response” from the drop-down menu. 100% of your donation will supply resources to our shelters.

The Son of God appeared for this purpose: to destroy the works of the evil one.
(1 John 3.8)

God is purposeful.

Before your parents conceived you
   He conceived you.
You are not an accident,
nor are you the fruit of a moment’s passion.
You were deliberately fashioned.
   and richly endowed.
You were born of God’s purpose
   and you were born for God’s purpose.

Several years ago, as part of a Strengthfinders exercise, I was encouraged to write a purpose statement… I believe that God has used it to give me a “true north” that I can daily calibrate my life to:

• I have a purpose.
• My purpose is to multiply God's Kingdom presence anywhere I have opportunity.
• I won't be happy until and unless I am living out my purpose.
• I can best fulfill my purpose as part of a Kingdom community
• Since I have no guarantee of mortal life tomorrow, I must pursue my purpose today.

I have a purpose.
Everyone who has been twice born through Jesus Christ has been lovingly and strategically created for a purpose. There is nothing more tragic than aimless Christians who have lost their grasp of this simple reality. Purposelessness is surely a barometric reading of the true condition of our soul. The plethora of Christian self-help titles suggests that we have exchanged the great ends of the Church for trifling illusions that personal fulfillment is merely reflected in emotional well-being and daily convenience. This is narcissism, not discipleship.

God’s purpose for us and through us is robust, life-affirming, and fruitful. It will add dimension and meaning to every facet of our lives and endow every relationship, every opportunity, and all our time with significance.

My purpose is to multiply God’s Kingdom presence anywhere I have the opportunity. I am called to live in a perpetual state of rebellion. G. K. Chesterton once noted that the devil rebelled against heaven and fell to earth, holding creation captive, but the Christian rebels against the devil that we might liberate creation to rise to heaven.

Spiritual warfare is not an option for followers of Jesus Christ. Evil is real. The devil will not go away unless he is put to flight. The Scriptures testify that Jesus came to destroy the works of the evil one. This is our purpose, too.

I concede that it is difficult to look in the mirror and recite: “My purpose is to destroy the works of the evil one.” I know because I have tried it on several occasions and felt foolish! I found that the moment I declared aloud, “My purpose is to destroy the works of the evil one,” I was defeated by thoughts of my own powerlessness- not even my dog comes when I call!

I was liberated when the Holy Spirit led me to a study of 1 John 3.8. I discovered that the Greek word translated, “destroy,” is more frequently translated as “loose” or “untie” in the New Testament.  There, I remembered one of my favorite sweaters being destroyed by my oldest daughter when she was three. She merely found a dangling strand that she continued to pull until an entire sleeve was gone! Every day, I have the possibility of meeting people or facing situations with dangling strands that I can pull with the person and power of Jesus Christ.

 I will not be satisfied with my life until I am fulfilling my purpose.
You are created and called by God for a purpose. Therefore, embedded deep within you are yearnings whose origins lie in the eternal heart of God. Living for the trophies of this world will never satiate these longings. Their home is the kingdom of God. Seek first the kingdom of God, and you will gain the personal fulfillment you long for even if you don’t get the things or opportunities you hope for.

I can best fulfill my purpose by being part of a Kingdom community — a team!
We cannot fulfill our purpose alone. San Diego Padre Tony Gwinn (a 5-time National League batting champion and Hall of Fame inductee) may be called to play right field and hit .366, but he never did win a game unless he participated on a team. There is nothing Satan appreciates more than unplugged Christians who are adrift from the Body of Christ, distracted by the world’s allure, and preoccupied with their happiness.

I have no promise of mortal life tomorrow, so I must fulfill my purpose today!
Even though we have the promise of eternal life forever, we have no way of knowing when illness, accident, or violence may end our mortal lives. Live the life you are called to today. Look around you… your life is full of opportunities to untie and loose the works of the devil in the lives of others. Go on… pull those strings…

So let me ask you again, will you rejoice, reflect and recommit yourself to God’s purposes for you and through you in 2025?


2025 - for a purpose: the Mordecai question…


2025 — for a purpose…